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Fourth Iso of Corporate Server 4 Beta is now available !
Published by Anne_0 on Monday, June 26 2006 @ 11:56:34 CEST
Details and updates on the latest beta version for the Mandriva Corporate Server 4.
Details of new isos
1-corpo.iso, 2-corpo.iso, 3-corpo.iso : 3 CD-Rom isos
4-corpo.iso : DVD iso
201-corpo_x86_64.iso, 202-corpo_x86_64.iso, 203-corpo_x86_64.iso : 3 CD-Rom isos
204-corpo_x86_64.iso : DVD iso
Base système stack
Nearly all development packages have been added, also build tools, so that Corporate Server 4 can be released without external packages.
Middleware stack
- openldap-mandriva-dit-0.9-2
- openldap-2.3.24-2
Services stack
- papi 1.0-0.177.1 (new) : PAPI is an API which provides
functions for listing printers, listing the options and capabilities of a selected printers, sending a job, listing jobs, killing jobs, … and these functions are independent of the printing system (CUPS, LPRng, LPD, ...) actually used. So applications with sophisticated printing functionality and working on all Linux distributions and even on Unixes which do not use CUPS by default (BSD, Solaris, ...) can be easily written.
- amavisd-new-2.4.1-1
- cyrus-imapd-2.2.13-2
- mailman 2.1.6 (new)
- sendmail-cf (new)
Additionnal Tools
- bacula 1.38.10
- sysstat-6.0.1-1 (new)
Corrections diverses
- Update for KDE
- Useless packages have been deleted
Here is complete list of RPMS for :
Mandriva Corporate Team